APU Student Handbook
In this section

Last Revision: September 20, 2024

Code of Conduct for Student Loans at APUS

American Public University System subscribes to the code of conduct set forth in the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. As APUS currently participates in both Private and Direct Loans, the APUS Financial Aid Office has not and will not participate in revenue sharing with Lenders, Guarantors or Servicers of these loans. Staff is banned from receiving gifts from any of the above agencies other than those considered of minimal value by the federal regulations.

The Financial Aid/Financial Services Offices will in no way influence the choice of lender for private loans. APUS has posted Private lender information based on past student choice and availability by local regional and national options; no specific lender is recommended over any others. The information is posted to assist in student research only. Processing is not affected by the student's choice of lender by APUS, but service levels may vary based on individual lenders operating models.

Caveat: APUS does not have and will not have any contractual agreement with any lender to provide private loans to our students. APUS may make available information on lenders who participate in these programs and the rates and benefits that apply to each. APUS and APUS employees will not encourage the use of any particular lender for private or alternative loans. APUS will supply the student seeking a private loan with the required Truth In Lending information. APUS employees requested to serve on advisory boards for lenders, guarantors, servicers, or state agencies will not accept any compensation for service other than direct expenses such as travel, lodging, and food related to such service.

All APUS Financial Aid/Financial Services employees are required to sign that they have read and understand the Code of Conduct. Knowingly violating this Code of Conduct may result in termination of employment.