
get started in computer science

In today's digital world, pursuing a career in information technology (IT) has become a popular choice among job seekers. Whether you are just starting out in IT or considering a career change, pursuing a path in computer science has various possibilities.

But what does it take to become an IT professional? Your journey into computer science is not just about acquiring technical skills. It’s also about preparing to be innovative and able to solve problems.


What Does It Take to Become an IT Professional?

A degree in computer science is not always a prerequisite for obtaining some IT jobs. However, it can provide a solid educational foundation, as well as a strong understanding of technological tools that will contribute towards building the next iteration of consumer technologies.

Entering the field of IT requires more than just an interest in computer systems. It demands a combination of technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and a passion for learning.


Innovative Problem-Solving and Logical Analysis

IT professionals must be able to analyze complex issues and come up with innovative solutions.

Computer engineering requires a blend of logical thinking, attention to detail, and the ability to troubleshoot effectively. IT professionals often encounter challenging problems that require them to think creatively and find new ways to resolve issues.

In addition, IT professionals must be able to convey complex technical ideas in a clear, understandable manner and collaborate effectively with team members and stakeholders to implement efficient, sustainable solutions. The ability to describe technical concepts clearly and work collaboratively in diverse teams is as crucial as technical acumen in this fast-paced field.


Technical Skills Are Indispensable

When it comes to technical knowledge, IT professionals need to have a deep understanding of various programming languages, computer programs, operating systems, and network infrastructure.

Java®, Python®, C++®, and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) are just a few examples of coding languages that IT pros should know. They should also have a solid grasp of database management systems like MySQL® and Oracle®.


Mathematics and a Curious Mind Are Helpful

A strong aptitude for mathematics and analytical thinking is also beneficial. In addition, having a natural curiosity about how things like computer systems or information systems management work and the ability to think critically are essential traits for aspiring IT professionals.

The IT field is ever-evolving, so staying adaptable and open to emerging technologies and continuous learning is crucial.


A Strong Commitment to Continuous Learning

IT professionals need to stay up to date with the latest advancements and trends. For instance, they need to understand the underlying methods and principles that drive technological innovations.

They should proactively seek out new knowledge and expand their skill set. This effort could involve attending workshops, taking online courses, or participating in professional development programs.


Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills

IT professionals also need to possess strong communication and interpersonal skills.

They often work in teams and collaborate with colleagues, clients, and end users. Effective communication is essential for understanding client requirements, explaining technical concepts to non-technical individuals, and resolving conflicts that may arise during any projects.


Focus, Precision, and Attention to Detail

IT professionals should have a keen eye for detail and be able to work with precision. One small error in coding or configuration can have significant consequences, so attention to detail is crucial.

They should also be able to work under pressure and meet deadlines, as IT projects often have strict timelines and require efficient time management.


A Commitment to Delivering High-Quality Results

IT professionals should have a strong work ethic and be committed to delivering high-quality results.

They should be proactive, take the initiative, and be willing to go the extra mile to ensure client satisfaction. IT professionals often work on complex projects that require dedication and perseverance to complete successfully.


There Are Many Educational Pathways to IT

You can take multiple educational pathways to learn the technical skills needed to perform various IT-related tasks.

You can obtain a formal IT degree or you can attend virtual coding bootcamps. It is also possible to teach yourself some skills through free online platforms. Still another option is to find an entry-level role that will allow you to build your skill set, either through on-the-job training or by shadowing an established pro.

In fact, some employers prioritize real-world experience and relevant certifications over a formal information technology degree. While an IT degree can provide a solid educational foundation, hands-on experience and practical skills are highly valued in the information technology industry.

So it's possible for information technology professionals to find a role with just a high school diploma, but it’s necessary to have solid experience. Internships, volunteer programs, and freelance projects can provide valuable opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios and gain that needed experience.


An IT Degree Such as a Bachelor's Degree Provides a Basic Foundation in Information Technology Principles

An information technology program, like the online bachelor's degree at American Public University, is an undergraduate degree. It is intended to provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin modern technology.

The curriculum for this bachelor's degree program typically covers subjects such as programming, algorithms, data structures, computer architecture, information security, and database management. Additional bachelor's degree coursework in advanced math, statistics, and software engineering is also useful for enhancing your skill set.


An IT Degree Such as A Master's Degree Offers a Deeper Dive into Information Technology

Master's degree programs in information technology or computer science offer advanced specialization in the field. These programs are designed to equip students with deeper knowledge and skills beyond what is covered in a bachelor's program.

A master's degree program at American Public University includes specialized courses in areas like cybersecurity, data analytics, digital forensics, cloud computing, and software development, so that students can tailor their education to their career goals. The coursework for this master's degree also emphasize practical, hands-on experience, often through projects, internships, or research opportunities.


Online Courses Have Gained Popularity

Courses that are available online offer a wide range of topics and more flexibility in terms of scheduling. Online platforms like Coursera®, Udemy®, and edX® provide access to courses from top universities and companies taught by industry professionals in the information technology field.

These courses allow individuals to learn at their own pace. Students can focus on specific areas of interest, such as cybersecurity, data science, or web development, as preparation for pursuing an IT job.


Coding Bootcamps Offer Practical Learning

Coding bootcamps provide intensive, hands-on training in programming languages and frameworks. These programs are designed to quickly equip students with the technical skills they need.

While these bootcamps may not provide the same depth of knowledge as a degree program, they can be a valuable option for individuals looking to pursue job opportunities in the information technology field.


Learning Through Self-Study

Self-study is another viable option for individuals who are self-motivated and disciplined.

With the abundance of online resources, including tutorials, documentation, and forums, it is possible to acquire a comprehensive understanding of various information technology concepts and technologies. However, self-study requires a high level of commitment and the ability to stay motivated without the structure of a formal educational program.


Certifications Can Validate Your Expertise

Certifications, such as those offered by reputable organizations like CompTIA® and Cisco®, demonstrate your information technology proficiency and commitment to ongoing professional development. There are many reputable certifications.

Networking certifications, for example, validate your knowledge and skills in designing, implementing, and managing computer networks. Security certifications, on the other hand, demonstrate your understanding of best practices and techniques for securing computer systems and data. Programming language certifications showcase your proficiency in specific programming languages, such as Java, Python, or C++.

Obtaining certifications requires dedicated study and preparation. Many certification programs offer study materials, practice exams, and training courses to help candidates succeed. By earning certifications, you can showcase your expertise, and offer solid proof of your abilities.


Staying Current with Information Technology Industry Trends

The information technology field is continuously evolving, with new technologies and trends emerging at a rapid pace. To stay relevant and competitive, it is essential to stay updated on industry trends.

One effective way to stay current is to follow reputable technology blogs, podcasts, and online forums. Participating in discussions with like-minded individuals can expand your knowledge and expose you to different perspectives.

Joining professional organizations or industry-specific groups can also provide you with access to valuable resources, mentorship opportunities, and networking events. Attending conferences or webinars can also broaden your horizons and connect you with experts in your field.


Continuous Learning Is Essential for Professional Development

Even when you are in the information technology field, the learning does not stop. Continued professional development is essential for growth in this field.

Seek out opportunities to take on challenging projects that will expand your skill set and get outside of your comfort zone. Take advantage of any training or mentorship programs available to you.

 If you don't have access to those resources, you can find free online tools and programs. These opportunities can help you gain new expertise and stay current with emerging technologies.

If you're really interested in becoming an information technology expert, consider pursuing advanced degrees or specialized certifications to deepen your knowledge in specific areas. An advanced degree or certificate will not only enhance your qualifications, but it will also demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning.


Determining Where You Fit in IT

The world of information technology offers endless possibilities to innovate, create, and solve meaningful problems. It is up to you to find where you fit in best and what career path you intend to follow.

Some students choose to become information security analysts, while others choose to become network administrators, database architects, cybersecurity specialists, or help desk technicians. Still others want to enter fields such as systems administration, technical support, network security, or information science.

Whether you choose more advanced education by pursuing a college degree in information technology or a similar area of study, dive into self-study, participate in a coding bootcamp, or begin gathering certifications, each step you take is useful. Embrace the challenges and opportunities that come your way and be confident in the knowledge and skills you acquire.

American Public University offers several degree programs related to the information technology field. Whether you choose an associate degree, a bachelor's degree, or a master's degree at the University, our dedicated, expert faculty is eager to guide you through a comprehensive curriculum tailored to the ever-evolving demands of the technology sector.

Java is a registered trademark of the Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
Python is a registered trademark of the Python Software Foundation.
C++ is a registered trademark of the Standard C++ Foundation.
MySQL is a registered trademark of the Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
Oracle is a registered trademark of the Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
Coursera is a registered trademark of Coursera, Inc.
Udemy is a registered trademark of Udemy, Inc.
edX is a registered trademark of edX, LLC.
CompTIA is a registered trademark of the Computing Technology Industry Association, Inc.
Cisco is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.