Dr. Wendy Achilles

Full-Time Associate Professor, Business
Dr. Wendy  Achilles


Ph.D. in Business - Accounting
Virginia Commonwealth University
B.S. in Accounting
East Carolina University
M.S. in Accounting
East Carolina University

Positions Held

Standard Commercial Corporation
Tax Manager
2005 - 2007
East Carolina University
Assistant Professor
1999 - 2005
North Carolina Wesleyan College
Assistant Professor
East Carolina University
1997 - 1999
North Carolina Wesleyan College
Adjunct Professor
1995 - 1997
Nash Community College
Adjunct Instructor
1994 - 1996
Arthur Andersen
Staff Accountant

Intellectual Contributions

The Altman Z-Score Revisited

Robert W Russ,Wendy W Achilles,Alfred C Greenfield
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 01, 2009
Journal of International Finance and Economics

Can Ethical Position Contribute to Our Understanding of Fraud Detection

S Norman,B Wier,Wendy W Achilles
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 15, 2008
Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research

Corporate Governance and Reporting Frequency: Hazards of More Frequent Reporting

Wendy W Achilles,J Blaskovich,T Pitre
May 2008
Corporate Ownership and Control

The Effect of Professional Commitment and Ethical Orientation on Tax Preparer's Behavior

Alfred C Greenfield,Wendy W Achilles,R. Wayne Counts
November 2007
Journal of Academy of Business and Economics

The Shortage of Accounting Professors

Wendy W Achilles,Alfred C Greenfield,Robert W Russ
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 01, 2007
Tennessee CPA Journal

Tax Benefits for Members of the U.S. Armed Forces

Wendy W Achilles,Alfred C Greenfield
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 01, 2007
Taxes – The Tax Magazine

Fraud Recognition: Has Sarbanes-Oxley Made a Difference?

Wendy W Achilles,M. Reiman,Alfred C Greenfield
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 01, 2007
Internal Auditing

Auditor Effectiveness in the United States and the United Kingdom: Comparison and Analysis

Alfred C Greenfield,Robert W. Russ,Wendy W Achilles
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 01, 2006
Journal of International Business and Economics

Tax Ramifications of the Tobacco Buy-Out

Wendy W Achilles,D Schisler
May 1, 2006
Tennessee CPA Journal

Transfer Pricing Practices and Regulatory Actions in the U.S. and U.K.: A Cross-Country Comparison and Analysis

Rasoul H. Tondkar,Wendy W Achilles,Joyce van der Laan Smith
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2005
Advances in International Accounting


The Altman Z-Score Revisited

International Academy of Business and Economics National Conference
October 2009

The Effect of Professional Commitment and Ethical Orientation on Tax Preparer’s Behavior

International Academy of Business and Economics National Conference
October 2007

Ethical Measurements in Accounting Research: Why the Ethical Position Questionnaire is better suited than the Defining Issues Test

Southeast Decision Sciences Institute Regional Meeting
February 2006

The Altman Z-Score Revisited

AAA Annual Meeting
August 2004

Auditor Effectiveness in the United States and the United Kingdom: Comparison and Analysis

American Accounting Association Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting
April 2004

The Altman Z-Score Revisited

American Accounting Association Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting
April 2004

Transfer Pricing Practices and Regulatory Actions in the United States and United Kingdom: A Cross Country Comparison and Analysis

AAA Southeast Regional Meeting
March 2003

Vacation Homes and Residential Interest Deductions: Conflicting Interpretations Create Confusion (and Planning Opportunities)

AAA Southeast Regional Meeting
March 2003

Certifications and Licensure

July 24, 1995
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
North Carolina State Board of CPA Examiners
January 1, 2018
CITI - IRB Members - Basic/Refresher
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)

Awards & Honors

June 16, 2021
2020 University Strategic Initiative – Catalyst – Learning Management System Migration
During 2020, the earner of this badge made significant contributions to the migration of courses to a new online classroom to improve user experience, promote student-to-student and faculty-to-student interaction, enable a robust mobile classroom, and further differentiate APUS as a leader in online learning.
June 16, 2021
Mission Award
For those who do extraordinary work to create respected, relevant, accessible, affordable, and student-focused online programs that prepare students for service and leadership in a diverse, global society.